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Covisint公司是由******的几家汽车制造商和供应商于2000年合作成立。在汽车工业**化协同生产、供应链运营日益复杂和成本不断攀升的形势下, Covisint旨在为原材料采购提供一套安全和功能强大的共享应用系统, 共同打造一个**汽车工业的公共信息交换平台。 Covisint通过一个安全的、**协同的平台来帮助汽车整车厂、供应商和第三方物流公司加速决策、降低成本并提高客户满意度。为86个国家30000家公司260000个用户打造了****大的汽车供应链, COVISINT公司提供对汽车生产线乃至整个供应链关键的信息和应用程序, 支持**采购、工程、设计、生产、材料管理、物流和财务流程。 Covisint为**客户提供7*24*365不间断的多语种**质服务 Covisint was founded by several world’s leading automotive manufacturers in 2000. Faced with the increased cost and complexity of global supply chain operations and designed to provide a secure and powerful set of shared applications for OEMs and suppliers, Covisint leveraged the power and promise of the Internet to become the first automotive industry exchange. Today, Covisint helps over 30.000 OEMs, suppliers and 3PLs reduce cost, improve time-to-market and increase customer satisfaction. Using a secure global interoperability platform, Covisint delivers mission-critical information and applications that support global purchasing, engineering, design, manufacturing, materials management, logistics and financial processes. Covisint provides global customers with 7*24*365 non-stop multilingual hotline service.

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