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Since R-victor was founded in 1988, customers have come to recognize our Instruments to stand for quality, reliability, and readily available low cost products. As a leading manufacturer in the controls and instrumentation industry, we continue to grow and serve major markets including HVAC, chemical, food, oil and gas, and pollution control. New applications are discovered daily through a cooperative effort between us and our customers. In addition to new product development, we have added to our success through several acquisitions and have achieved additional market recognition. We have created new markets and further build on the solid reputation that we have continued to sustain. It has been these relationships with our customers that allow us to continue to develop market demand products and further our success from leading established products such as the Air Transmitter,Digital Mass Flow Controller, Electromagnetic Flow Meters , Gas Mass Flow Meter,Temperature Sensor, Pressure Transmitter, Ultrasonic Transmitter ect. R-victor成立于1988年,客户已经从质量,性能,可靠性和低成本方面对我们的产品给与了肯定。作为在控制和仪表工业的**头人,我们在HVAC系统(空调系统)、化学、食品、石油、气体及污染控制方面的应用都有持续的增长。通过与客户的合作,我们每天都会有改进和创新,除了新产品的发展,我们也通过很多成功的业绩更加增加了市场对我们的认可。我们将继续维护我们创造的市场信誉。客户的支持让我们能够持续的发展我们的**质产品,如:气体变送器,数字质量流量控制器,电磁流量计,气体质量流量计,温度传感器,压力变送器,超声波液位计等。

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